Improve your writing skill on the MacOS

Imagine a writing assistant that helps you write better, faster, and with confidence. It works on any app on your MacOS.

Privacy First

We take your privacy seriously. All your API keys are stored locally, not on our servers.

WriterCure Apps Integrated By WriteCure WriterCure
MS Teams
MS Excel
MS Word

Select any email content, improve the grammar and spelling

Highlight the content in every app on macOS, then right-click to select 'Fix Grammar' to improve.

Fix the grammar and spelling issues on the any chat app

Quick fix the grammar and spelling issues on the chat app like Discord, Slack, etc.

Translate the following paragraph to English

WriterCure automatically detects the language and translates it to English.


    • How does it work?

      When you select text in any app, then press a hotkey, WriterCure will take over and show you a list of all the things you can do with that text.

    • What models are supported?

      WriterCure works with all models that support OpenAI’s API.

    • How much will it cost me?

      WriterCure is one-time purchase software. You pay once and you get all future updates for free. You just need to pay for the OpenAI API usage.

    • Is it Native app?

      Yes, WriterCure is a native app built with swift and SwiftUI for macOS.

    • What's the refund policy?

      Yes, we offer a 10-day money-back guarantee. If you are not satisfied with WriterCure, you can request a refund within 10 days of purchase.

    • Can I use it on windows?

      No, WriterCure is only available for macOS. We have no plans to support Windows or Linux in the future.